Picking the correct cock rings or glans rings can be daunting.  Whether you're trying to find a cock ring or a glans ring,you desire it to fit snug without causing discomfort, as well as you desire it to make your manhood appearance attractive. If you're wondering how to size a cock ring or glans ring, Our guide as below for you reference .It maybe helpful for you.


Firstly,You'll need a piece of string, a ruler, a pen and paper to get your measurement. We recommend using a string instead of trying to use measuring tape.

Second, You’ll want to do is around the largest circumference of your larger testicle. You’re trying to make sure you can easily plop your testicles through a stiffer ring. If you can’t get your largest testicle through, there’s no chance for anything to fit comfortably. With those two measurements you can safely estimate a size that fits you.

Finally,Confirm the sizing. If you’re wondering what size of cock ring you should get, follow our tips below:

  1. Most guys are in the 1.57"-1.96" range. 2.1" is a pretty big ring. So if you're not bigger than average, try measuring again and make sure you pull the string tight.
  1. If you're between sizes, go down to the smaller size.
  1. Measure twice! Due to the intimate nature of these rings, we can't accept returns or exchanges.